Lhamo Kyab

Lhamo Kyab


6144 days 18 hours 29 minutes 47 seconds


Summary: Lhamo Kyab, a primary school teacher, was detained in mid 2008 and held in a secret detention centre for around 18 months before information emerged about her harsh sentence of 15 years.
Charge: “endangering state security”
Sentence: 15 years
Prison: Unknown but thought to be in Lhasa
Status: There has been no news of Lhamo Kyab since her detention in 2008.

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Lhamo Kyab, a school teacher from Nagchu in Central Tibet (Ch: Tibet Autonomous Region), was taken away by Chinese intelligence bureau personnel sometime in mid 2008. Officials reportedly covered her head, took her to her residence in Nagchu, the prefectural capital, searched her home, then took her to a “secret” detention centre where she was interrogated her about “alleged involvement in political activities.”

In January 2010, approximately eighteen months after detention, a court sentenced Lhamo Kyab to 15 years in prison. No further information about the court, the criminal charges against her, or the location of the prison where she is serving her sentence is available.

Lhamo Kyab’s status is monitored by the Executive Commission On China.