Write to Lhamo Kyab

Lhamo Kyab  ལྷ་མོ་སྐྱབས་

Respected Tibetan school teacher sentenced to 15 years for criminal charges after eighteen months of detention.

In 2008 Lhamo Kyab, a school teacher from Nagchu in Central Tibet (Ch: Tibet Autonomous Region), was taken away late at night, from a school where she was working. She was first taken to her home by Chinese security personnel who searched through her family possessions, and then to a “secret” detention centre where she was interrogated her about “alleged involvement in political activities.” No explanation was given to her family why she was being taken.

Lhamo Kyab was kept in secret detention for nearly two years, without contact with her family or a lawyer, and in January 2010 approximately eighteen months after detention, a court sentenced Lhamo Kyab to 15 years in prison. Her exact medical condition is unknown but she is believed to be in ill health.


Lhamo Kyab  ལྷ་མོ་སྐྱབས་
Xizang Lasa Jianyu (Lhasa prison)
Duodi Street, Duodi Village
Chengguan district
Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, 850000
People’s Republic of China

In Chinese:
公司地址:西藏自治区·拉萨市·城关区·夺底乡 夺底路

Language: English, Tibetan or in your own language

Salutation: Dear Lhamo Kyab la

Sample Message:

Dear Lhamo Kyab

I’m writing to you from [ADD YOUR COUNTRY]. Please know that I  and many others around the world are thinking of you and hope very much for you release.

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Let Us Know: Please let us know that you wrote to a Tibetan Hero at http://bit.ly/WriteTibetResponse

IMPORTANT NOTE: Avoid talking about politics, and definitely do not write about Tibetan freedom or independence. It is highly probable that your letter will be read by the authorities before it reaches the prisoner. Please use common sense when composing your text and don’t say anything that could put her/him at risk.