Tibetan Performer Detained

21 September | Radio Free Asia
Authorities in China’s northwestern Qinghai province have detained a Tibetan singer and actor, apparently because of his performances reflecting the hardships of Tibetans’ lives under Chinese rule, according to a Tibetan source.

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Tibetan Monk Shot in ‘Accident’

19 September | Radio Free Asia
A Tibetan monk has died in Lhasa in what local police described as an “accidental” shooting, though authorities later ordered the man’s family to cover up the death and keep news of the incident from spreading outside the area, according to Tibetan sources.

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Tibetan Businessman Disappears

19 September | Radio Free Asia
A popular Tibetan businessman and supporter of traditional Tibetan culture is believed to have been detained by Chinese authorities after his home was demolished by officials in China’s northwestern Qinghai province, according to Tibetan sources.

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Tibetan Children Kidnapped

13 September | Radio Free Asia
Chinese police have rounded up 12 suspects in the kidnapping earlier this week of five Tibetan children, a rare crime in Tibetan-populated regions of western China, according to a Tibetan source.

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Former Prisoner in Poor Health

11 September | Radio Free Asia
A Tibetan protester who served a three-year term in a Chinese prison is in poor health as a result of harsh treatment suffered while in custody, according to his niece, who escaped into India earlier this year, a Tibetan human rights group said Tuesday.

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Chinese Flag Removed Again

9 September | Radio Free Asia
Tibetan protesters have for the second time pulled down a Chinese flag from a school in Kardze (Ganzi in Chinese) prefecture in Sichuan province, replacing it with the Tibetan flag, and scattered numerous leaflets calling for freedom, sources said.

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Beaten Tibetan Girl Jailed

7 September | Radio Free Asia
A teenage Tibetan girl who was severely beaten for staging a solitary protest in a restive Tibetan-populated area has been ordered jailed for three years, Tibetan sources say.

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Tibetan Monks Detained in Raid

4 September | Radio Free Asia
Hundreds of heavily armed Chinese security forces raided a Tibetan monastery in the northwestern province of Qinghai at the weekend, taking away four monks previously targeted for detention and holding another monk for taking photographs of the raid, Tibetan sources said.

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Tibetans Display Dalai Lama Photos

4 September | Radio Free Asia
In a major show of defiance, Tibetans celebrating the enthronement of a local religious leader at the weekend paraded large photographs of the Dalai Lama in a restive Tibetan county in China’s Sichuan province, Tibetan sources said.

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