Letter Writing Actions
Write To Dhondup Wangchen
As part of an international campaign for the release of Dhondup Wangchen, supporters from around the world are sending short, personal letters to him in prison. Simple guidelines to help you take part can be viewed or downloaded below.
Download ‘Write To Dhondup Wangchen’ Guidelines [PDF]
Write a short, personal letter to Dhondup Wangchen at:
Xichuan Prison
108 Xichuan South Road
Xining City
Qinghai Province, 810029
People’s Republic of China
When you write your letters please remember to:
- Include Dhondup Wangchen’s name as it is known in Tibetan, Dhondup Wangchen, and in Chinese, Dangzhi Xiangqian
- Include a simple greeting, with a little bit of information about how you heard about Dhondup Wangchen and why you have decided to write to him
- Use common sense and basic precautions, remembering that the letters you send will be read by the prison authorities
- Include the Tibetan & Chinese messages below, so that Dhondup can read the letters of support and the Chinese authorities are aware of the letters
- Add your name and country of origin (you do not need to include your full address) to show the breadth of global support
Please include the translated messages below (in Tibetan and Chinese)
(Simply cut and paste the texts in to your letter):
– Tibetan for the benefit of Dhondup Wangchen (Simply cut and paste the texts in to your letter)
(English Translation)
“I am writing this personal letter to you to offer you my support. I join thousands of individuals around the world in expressing my appreciation of your actions as a film-maker and in calling for your immediate release. “
– Chinese for the benefit of the prison authorities(Simply cut and paste the texts in to your letter)
我要以此信 來表達個人對旺青頓珠的支持。自從他在2008年三月被捕後,我一直關心並注意他的案子。他沒有犯任何罪行,他是無辜的,正如同全球成千上萬關心他的人一 樣,我要表達對他拍攝影片的支持,要求他立即被釋放。我同時非常闗心旺青頓珠的健康及生活狀,同時要求獄方給予他所需的醫療處置,也請您了解,這些我們關 切的議題,將同時向中國中央政府及青海省省委書記強衛遞交。
(English Translation)
“I am writing this personal letter to Dhondup Wangchen (Dangzhi Xiangqian) to offer him my support. Dhondup Wangchen is an innocent man. I join thousands of individuals around the world in expressing my appreciation of his actions as a film-maker and in calling for his immediate release. I am also gravely concerned for Dhondup’s health and well-being and urge the prison authorities to ensure that he is being given the medical treatment he requires. Please also be aware that these concerns are being brought to the attention of China’s Central Government and Qiang Wei, Party Secretary of Qinghai Province.” including the sample messages in Tibetan and Chinese.
Please also send copies of your letter to the following Chinese leaders
* Wu Aiying, Ministry of Justice, No.10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie, Beijing 10002, People’s Republic of China.
* Luo Huining, Secretary of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, Qinghai Provincial General Office, No.12 Xidajie, Xining, Qinghai 810000, People’s Republic of China.