
Petition for the Release of
Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

In a remarkable act of support and bravery, 40,000 Tibetans inside Tibet have signed petitions demanding justice for their leader.

Join with the people of Tibet now and add your ‘thumbprint’ to the petition to help free Tenzin Delek Rinpoche.

tenzin delek rinpochePetition for the Release of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche[/orangebox] [orangebox]

Petition for the Release of Lobsang Tenzin

Sign the petition to the Tibet Autonomous Region’s Party Secretary, Chen Quanguo, and to Chushur Prison’s Governor, calling for Lobsang Tenzin to receive immediate medical attention and to be released.

Please add your signature.

Lobsang TenzinPetition for the Release of Lobsang Tenzin[/orangebox]